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Online Gift Cards

Online Gift Cards are for any occasion - Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Father's day, Valentine's, Christmas, Mother's Day, Mum-to-be, Easter or just to say Thank You.

Choose a nomination by clicking on the Treat E Gift Card image that says From £35 and then click on the drop down box to see the different prices and have your credit card details to hand.

Once you have purchased an Online Gift Card it sends a gift card code straight to your email inbox for you to send on or print instantly. The person receiving the online gift card will need to bring in the voucher code when they have their treatment as payment.

They can choose from a range of beauty, health & well-being treatments.

Once you click! 


How does your firm support menopausal women?05/10/2021
As the population ages, there is an increase in the number of women experiencing the menopause whilst in the workplace, and there is a growing awareness that firms could do more to support them.
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Baby Massage16/06/2021
Baby massage teaches new parents how to connect emotionally with their babies using gentle soothing massage. The techniques help babies to be more relaxed, forming better sleep patterns and helping parents to develop stronger bonds with their babies. Classes for all babies up to one year of age.
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Why exercise can help to reduce stress05/04/2021
Research has found the benefits of exercise can outweigh some of the negative effects of stress, as exercise improves energy levels, concentration and our ability to sleep well. All forms of exercise have been proven to reduce stress. The most research into exercise and stress has been on aerobic or “cardio” exercise.
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Top Five Tips for a Healthier Easter28/03/2021
Top Five Tips for a Healthier Easter from Kirsty Williams - Nutritional Therapist. Think about the chocolate you choose. There are some health benefits to chocolate but these only come with dark chocolate, the higher the cacao content, the higher in flavanols it is. These flavanols carry benefits for blood pressure and brain health.
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Stress solutions in Lockdowns12/11/2020
Massage can ease anger, irritability, restlessness and racing thoughts or constant worry. Helping to relieve physical symptoms like stomach pains or digestive conditions like IBS, headaches, migraines as well as helping to slow rapid breathing from panic attacks.
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Are you breathing properly during yoga?27/09/2019
correct use of breath and breathing techniques is an essential part of of yoga - Treat's Chloe tucker discusses the importance of learning to breathe properly and gives some tips on how to do it
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Cupping Workshop In Norwich31/08/2019
Treat's Rebecca Gentry is running another Cupping workshop. It's a special aspect of acupuncture you can practice in your own home, on yourself, your friends and family. You'll learn theory and practice and uses of this non-invasive ancient Chinese therapy that can help relieve tension, headaches, stress, sleep, patterns and coughs and give you the feel good factor.
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How to respond to a difficult birth story07/06/2019
Last month Molly blogged about the impacts of traumatic birth on women and the way in which we can unintentionally make matters worse by suggesting the having a healthy baby somehow "makes the problem go away". Today she discusses positive ways to respond to difficult birth stories
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Why do birth stories matter?21/05/2019
The phrase “but at least you have a healthy baby” neatly captures the damaging way birth trauma can be dismissed by well meaning relatives, friends and even birth professionals, who are trying their best to help by focusing on positives. Everyone wants a healthy baby, but the systematic dismissal of a difficult or traumatic birth can compound it’s effects on mothers and their families.
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New practitioner Chloe Tucker13/05/2019
Welcome to Sophie Tucker who's introducing a new style of Yoga at treat - Vinyasa.
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