Baby Massage

Baby Massage

Next class starts:

5 consecutive weeks - TBA

Is your little one unsettled? Have you been told your little one has colic?  Does your little one suffer with constipation?  Learning Baby Massage can really help.

Have you struggled to connect with your baby? Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you have the baby blues or post-natal depression?  Learning Baby Massage can really help.

Do you miss your pre-baby friends? Feel anxious about having to make new friends? Feel worried about going to a new group on your own?  Learning Baby Massage can really help.

Let me explain how…

I am passionate about parents having everything they need to feel safe in my care, I research amazing venues to hold my classes in, venues that can make you feel safe whilst in them as well as having the amenities you may need for you and your little one.

Starting a new class can feel overwhelming, walking into the room for the first time, not knowing anyone, I get that, feels like the first day of school, doesn’t it.  I will welcome you into the room and introduce you to the others in the room, I am a real talker so I will happily chat with you and your little one.  I will show you where the toilets are for yourself and I will supply a changing mat for your babies.  Please feel free to use your own changing mat if you prefer.

The class is completely baby led, some babies can feel overwhelmed by the environment, different room, smells and sounds so if your baby needs to be cuddled, fed, or a walk around the room in your arms, then please do this, babies are great communicators and you know your baby, do you and your baby and the class will feel much more enjoyable.


Our classes has a set pattern as set out by the IAIM (International Association for Infant Massage), you will have your own copy of the parent handbook/strokes.  I will explain all of this when you come to class, basically we have a welcome discussion, a stretch for us parents, undress our babies if they feel able to do so, asking our babies permission and then begin the massage strokes, we will then redress our babies and have an opportunity to discuss any questions you may have or can recap any of the strokes. 

My aim is for you to learn a new skill, for you to support your baby and ultimately to feel safe, valued and supported and maybe make some new parent friends.  Being in a safe group learning amazing new skills could be wonderful for you and your little one.

Did you know you can support many ailments such as colic, constipation and teething with your very own hands.  Did you know you will be able to settle your baby when they are feeling overwhelmed with your voice, your smell and your very own hands.  Did you know you can absorb even more of the love hormone also known as Oxytocin just by learning their new skill with your very own hands.  All of this and so much more with the One to Cherish Baby Massage Programme at Treat Norwich.

Ashley Montagu says ‘the loving touch, like music often utters the things that cannot be spoken’ How wonderful that your hands will also communicate with your baby as your words do.

The Baby Massage course runs for five consecutive weeks and is completely baby led, I will recap each week on the previous weeks lesson and the new strokes, so there is plenty of time to learn and practice.  I will also supply you with everything you need to continue the Baby Massage in your own home, you will find your baby may prefer the massage at home to being in the class, and that is okay too.

Liz Thurston can also assist with breastfeeding support and premature baby clothing. If you’re a mummy-to-be, adopter or foster carer, or a same-sex couple with a baby, you can benefit from One to Cherish’s services! We offer antenatal classes, foster parent classes, and more. 

To find out more you can email [email protected] or call 07765 411805